Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Teachers as Role Models

I totally agree with the views of Mr.Ashok Kumar, that we should emphasize on the 'holistic way of education' rather than holistic education. It is true that children imbibe more from what they perceive rather than what they are taught. The teachers should be role models for children rather than just messengers of education..The education should be more than just books and assignments and grades. It should be a way of life. I want more people to rope in to give their views.

1 comment:

Tarun said...

How about parents? I was attending some conference on education and they rightly quoted: "Children do not listen to their parents, however, they watch them very closely".

So, any program that does not take account of parents as the stakeholder is bound to fail. We should proactively involve parents in any program that buildingBlocks creates.