Wednesday, December 27, 2006

holistic schooling system

I reckon our organization is as strong as the research that we put in definition of our course curriculum. We have decided to invest into this very important and often overlooked aspect of education, the curriculum.

In order to ensure that we do justice with the same, we spent close to a month to come up with the role of education in the society. Can education be limited to the box of market based education, which is pervasive in today's world?

a). Is the education system limited to produce linear dimensioned individuals (read doctors, engineers, CA's, journalists etc).

b). Or is the purpose of the education to produce people who have multiple dimensions -- leaders at work, participants in community, compassionate for poor or the disadvantaged, ethical in their dealings.

After the brainstorming sessions with several eminent educationists and thought leaders, we have come to the conclusion that education is supposed to do (b). Unfortunately, what it's ending up to do is (a) and yes! that's true even for the creamy schools. The results are evident in the failure of the evolution of the Indian society into a ethical, compassionate and homogenous group. The results are also evident in today's kids becoming good engineers and doctors, however, insecure and lacklustre leaders.

We also came up with the model for holistic education -- and what it essentially means. Additionally, we analyzed what's being done by today's schools and where is the education system miserably failing and the role that buildingBlocks can play to complete the education -- I plan to cover this in two-three entries. This entry would just talk about what is holistic education:

As shown in the picture, the education is more than the commonly perceived academics and physical education. Education includes other very important fields like moral/ethical, spiritual, civic and creative education. If you think that there's more or less to education than this -- please enrich the discussion with your comments.

1 comment:

Tarun said...

Thanks for highlighting this problem. In order to ensure that we not only reform the kids of tomorrow, however, ensure a change in attitude of the parents, we plan to have parents workshop in the buildingBlocks learning center. Not only that we are brainstorming should this center become an exclusive entry? to parents who really want to groom their kids or just consider them as another monetary investment.

Your comments may help in developing our program.
